Artists' Books


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artists' books; climate change; sea level; Florida, United States; relief maps


2 volumes : color maps. Artist book complete set edition consisting of 2 limited edition works also sold separately. Cased in open cardboard folder. Both volumes signed by their creator[s]: Artist book signed by Ellen Knudson and Anne Covell; Catastrophe map building set signed by Anne Covell. Responsibility statement from colophons. "2019 artist's book edition from the Marjorie S. Coffey Library Endowment Residency at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida." --Colophons. "Letterpress printed from photopolymer plates by Boxcar Press on an SP-15 Vandercook Proof Press in the UF School of Art + Art History Type Shop on Somerset Velvet and Masa papers. The map layers were cut by hand and attached with wheat paste in the Sanborn "pasters" tradition and was co-produced by Anne Covell and Ellen Knudson, Associate in Book Arts, University of Florida."-- Colophon of artist book [Volume 1]. Sea change [artist book] -- [volume 2]. Sea change : Catastrophe map building set. "The system of mapping used in this edition was inspired by research and study of the print holdings of the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Florida in the Map & Imagery Library, most notably Miami, vol.1, 1923 containing a record of 28 paper corrections dating from 1928-1950. Originally created to allow fire insurance companies to access risk and liability to urbanized areas within the United States, these maps were published in volumes that were bound and corrected by "pasters" who were employed to cut and glue over outdated maps until a new volume was produced.. Sea Change has adapted this system of mapping as a form of catastrophe modeling for projecting sea level rise on the Florida peninsula if action is not taken to combat climate change. The map images were drawn from worst case scenario predictions from the NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer ( --Colophons. Onion skin binding (originally developed by Benjamin Elbel) Library has copy 3 of 25 of Sea Change & copy 3 of 15 of Catastrophe map building set NCSS Collection.

RISD Fleet Library Catalog Record


[Gainesville], Florida : Anne Covell, 2019.


©[Gainesville], Florida : Anne Covell, 2019.

Materials / Techniques

letterpress copies; onionskin paper; collage (technique)


32 cm

Sea Change Complete Set Edition



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