Artists' Books


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artists' books; Rolodex; postage stamps; collages (visual works); scrapbooks


1 rotary card file : all color illustrations. Title from book slip accompanying the book. Artists' book on Rolodex file cards. Housed in Rolodex box (13 x 18 x 17 cm). Unique work? Rolodex contains three projects: Books, signed and dated 2010 -- Glass House, 2019-2021 -- Saving Stamps, 2023. Saving stamps title on an older rolodex card stock. The three separate works are separated by index tab cards. "B" for books, "G" for Glass House, "XYZ" for Savings Stamps. "Invented in the 1950's the 'Rolodex' is a rotating index cardholder that was typically used to store business contact information. As a color journal it is an exercise in sorting, organizing and constructing color space. At once a color wheel and a book of turning leaves; it is also an accessible color reference for more sustained projects in the studio. Color File #3 contains notations influenced by a visit in 2019 to Philip Johnson's 1949 masterpiece the Glass House." --Printed slip of paper housed inside the Rolodex box, signed and dated by the artist. Johnson's first name is spelled with an extra "l" on the slip. Marcia R. Cohen, Professor Emeritus, Foundation Studies, Savannah College of Art and Design: SCAD Atlanta. "I began the series 'Color File (Rolodex)' artist books in 2008. It was a playful testament to networks, memory and a wheel of life..what goes around comes around. Color is the leitmotif in my work as both the medium and the message. 'Color File #3' was developed in campaigns over several years. The work serves a diaristic journal charting visual mediations on meta color and entropy."-- artist's statement that accompanied our purchase.

RISD Fleet Library Catalog Record


[Atlanta, GA?]: [M. Cohen], 2023.


©[Atlanta, GA?]: [M. Cohen], 2023.

Materials / Techniques

index cards; card files; collage (technique)


13 x 15 cm

Color File #3



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