Date of Award

Spring 6-4-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Industrial Design


Industrial Design

First Advisor

Charlotte McCurdy

Second Advisor

Jim Drain

Third Advisor

Erica Efstratoudakis


What does it mean to adapt to a changing world?

Climate change is altering the world as we know it. We live in a chronic state of emergency. It’s easy to slip into a downward spiral of despair or ignore what we know to be true in order to carry on with our day-to-day responsibilities. By facilitating a complete recognition and heightened awareness of the common threats brought on by the climate crisis, we can begin to make the mental shift toward living in a new normal.

Ready Made, Made Ready rejects a dissociative attitude and seeks to shift exceptionalist feelings of entitlement to a focus on building resilience for the future. By merging mundane objects with emergency capabilities in a lifestyle collection entitled ICOE (In Case of Emergency), this work questions how to integrate elements of preparedness into our everyday lives and how to increase a sense of agency in a world where we lack control.


View exhibition online: Dara Benno, Ready Made, Made Ready



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