Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture

First Advisor

Michael Blier

Second Advisor

Daniel Hewitt


The first inspiration came from the thrilling phenomenal nuance caused by the natural light, especially the diffused and cool light — that’s why I am so fascinated with the dawn. Also, the “conditional” idea proposed by Robert Irwin in his book “Being and Circumstance — Notes Toward a Conditional Art” influenced my attitude towards landscape and public art: the design could be a tool to “reveal” the phenomenal changes and make people become more aware of them, instead of changing the existing condition arbitrarily.

Then I chose “threshold” — the space between private and public condition, interior and exterior, which might be front or back yard, the street next to residential entrance, or semi-private park as my targeted sites, because they have great potential of physical, phenomenal, mental and programmatic changes.

I started my investigation from the residential zone in Providence and developed the prototypical strategy to play with dawn light, and then adapt it to New York city to achieve a wider practice. The outcomes are both a theoretical strategy and a design.

The overall objectives are to bring a new thought and attitude towards landscape design and public art, which makes people re-aware of the phenomena in the circumstance, reveal the fascination of dawn light, and create a prototypical design for residential area. During the whole process, the written article needs to be re-thought and revised along with the design.



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