Date of Award

Spring 6-4-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Global Arts and Cultures

First Advisor

Leora Maltz-Leca

Second Advisor

Ijlal Muzaffar


This project investigates the physical and narrative barriers constructed by the phosphate mining and processing industry to dissuade public engagement with its phosphogypsum sites in Central Florida, USA. The barriers around PG utilize decades of misinformation, racial geographies, and misrepresentations of scale, origin, and risk to create powerful narratives about how we should imagine and relate to these materials. These barriers hinder sustained public attention to their sites, enabling extractive industries to expand while avoiding oversight and responsibility. Attention to how these barriers around phosphogypsum are constructed allows us to recognize these strategies at work in how we see and communicate about industrial wastes, and opens up the possibility of new and more generative relationships with these materials.


View exhibition online: Harsha Devaraj, Fertilizer waste mistreatment facilities



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