Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture

First Advisor

Nick De Pace

Second Advisor

Robyn Reed


Industrialization has brought economic development, but industrial zones can also bring depression if the opportunity for transformation is not seized. Industrial areas in the post-industrial era are often referred to as rust zones, which not only hinder urban development but also bring a series of problems. This thesis book wants to explore the problems brought by post-industrial land, to find possible directions for post-industrial industrial land through new methodologies, and also to guide landscape architects to have clearer design goals and methods.

This project focuses on the Allegheny area of the American Rust Belt, where the city of Pittsburgh was once the steel center of the United States, and where industrial and mining areas intersected. This area has a large industrial heritage and many different types of industries, which requires a systematic approach to the different site types. This project aims to refine the methodology to find a direction for designers to address such issues, and to advance the design program on a more scientific and rational basis.


View exhibition online: Sirui Li, Post-industry Brownfield Landscape



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