Date of Award

Summer 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Interior Architecture


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Jeffrey Katz

Second Advisor

Wolfgang Rudorf

Third Advisor

Jonathan Bell


The tradition of calligraphy is divided by time, categorized by eras rather than by years, months, or days. As an art, calligraphy is the tangible manifestation of human spiritual ideals, an organic blend of an individual's calligraphic skills and spiritual philosophy. The strokes and lines of calligraphic art imbue Chinese characters, "carved into a single aspect," with a form of movement, enriched with musical rhythm. The structure of the characters symbolizes the laws of universal movement, embodying a beauty that captures the essence of all, hence known as "the sound of silence" and "the form of the formless." It is not a simple, singular entity or a fixed style but an aspirational process of continuous development, primarily focused on the free development of the human spirit.

Japanese scholar Ijima Tsutomu believes that calligraphy can be considered the purest and most profound art form in terms of articulating the essence of life from an artistic standpoint. The flowing calligraphic lines are the very markers that transmit the rhythm of life. The emergence and evolution of every art form reflect and express the degree of human spiritual freedom within the context of the human-nature relationship.



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