Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Design (MDes) in Interior Studies / Adaptive Reuse


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Jeffrey Katz

Second Advisor

Nick Haus Heywood

Third Advisor

Jonathan Bell


Within the context of the symbiotic relationship between architecture and natural plants, as greenery intertwines with manmade spaces over time, creating what I define as a 'Gray Space'.

My thesis seeks to explore the diverse forms this 'Gray Space' can assume at the intersection of architectural forms and natural entities through human intervention. I focus on converting an abandoned factory building, where camphor trees were intentionally transplanted and have since flourished, into a hotel.

I propose a balanced adaptive reuse strategy that combines architectural reinforcement with managed tree growth, preserving the historical significance of the building while integrating the natural environment. This approach includes a detailed structural and botanical assessment and aims to rejuvenate and stimulate the local community's economy, offering tangible benefits to existing inhabitants. Ultimately, this model aspires to set a precedent for innovative thinking, forging a mutually beneficial coexistence between humanity and nature.



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