Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Interior Architecture


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Eduardo Benamor

Second Advisor

Lara Davis

Third Advisor



Revitalizing Decay focuses to reimagine brick design, diverging from the conventional standardized brick, to introduce a crafted brick integrated with flora. Through the exploration of innovative sustainable solutions, this research aims to breathe new life into buildings facing advanced decay by embedding flora within the very structure of the brick. Buildings slotted for demolition typically go through a long process of approvals, signatures, etc. This thesis also aims to address the long process and instead pose an intervention that would streamline a typical demolition plan. With a primary focus on enhancing air quality, ensuring cost efficiency, and offering a temporary solution for urban public spaces in post-industrial cities, it offers a comprehensive approach to sustainable building regeneration.
The research begins with a critical examination of the limitations inherent in conventional bricks, particularly in light of issues such as spalling and capillary erosion, which undermine both the longevity and structural integrity of brick-built structures. Moreover, the research delves into the potential ecological benefits of integrating flora into brick design within industrial brick buildings in post-industrial settings, including carbon sequestration, biodiversity enhancement, and mitigation of urban heat islands. By fostering a symbiotic relationship between architecture and nature, this approach seeks to redefine the role of bricks within the built environment, transforming them from inert building blocks into living, breathing elements that actively contribute to ecosystem restoration and resilience.
Offering a temporary solution for buildings in advanced stages of decay, this thesis provides an immediate solution while long-term regeneration strategies are developed such as energy efficiency plans, and biodiversity management plans. Its adaptability allows for application in various architectural contexts, spanning from urban environments to rural settings, thus offering flexibility in addressing diverse sustainability challenges and various scales of adaptive reuse interventions. Through an interdisciplinary approach, this thesis showcases the potential to transform derelict structures into vibrant, eco-friendly spaces. By harnessing the regenerative power of nature, this represents a sustainable pathway towards revitalizing our built environment while simultaneously addressing pressing environmental concerns. This thesis presents a compelling argument for the adoption of crafted bricks infused with flora as a sustainable alternative to conventional brick construction and an intervention in urban industrial decay.



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