Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Graphic Design

First Advisor

Anther Kiley

Second Advisor

Christopher Sleboda

Third Advisor

Alicia Cheng


In a world often captivated by the grand and explicit, my thesis, Life of Things, Things of Life explores the quiet yet profound narratives hidden within everyday objects. Drawing on my background in data design, I adopt a methodology that intertwines subjective narrative with rational analysis and challenges traditional hierarchies of value. Through processes of observation, collection, archiving, and re-contextualization, I elevate what is often overlooked as mundane and fleeting. This thesis not only uncovers the narrative potential of ordinary objects but also repositions them as protagonists in their own right, urging viewers to reconsider their conventional roles not as mere backdrops to human activity but as significant entities with their own stories and essences.



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