Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (MArch)



First Advisor

Lafayette Cruise

Second Advisor

Stephanie Choi


"Entre Manos y Barro: Innovando con Tradicion'' (Between Hands and Clay: Traditional Innovation) dives into sustainable and ethical innovations of traditional Zapotec ceramics. It discusses how introducing thoughtfully designed tools, like a specialized caja humeda (wet box), can enhance artisans' workspaces while preserving the cultural essence of their craft. This initiative emphasizes innovations that honor traditional methods and focus on community involvement.

The thesis is grounded in the principles of ethical innovation, which emphasize respect for traditional techniques, community participation in the innovation process, and the sustainability of both the craft and the environment. These principles shape the development of innovations aimed at improving the functionality of artisans' workspaces, in alignment with their cultural practices and community needs.

This work is deeply personal, reflecting my connection to Mexican cultural heritage. It underscores a respectful and informed approach to supporting traditional crafts, aiming to ensure the relevance and sustainability of Oaxacan ceramics for future generations, and fostering an environment where tradition and innovation thrive together.



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