Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Design (MDes) in Interior Studies / Exhibition + Narrative Environments


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Heinrich Hermann

Second Advisor

Youngjin Song


This thesis explores the potential of architecture exhibitions as a medium to make architecture more accessible and relevant to the public. Drawing inspiration from an article titled "6 Small Scale Projects with Large Social Impact", it highlights the significance of small-scale architectural interventions that foster social responsibility, public engagement, and sustainability.

The prevalent architectural elitism often overlooks attainable, small-scale architecture, which advocates for a broader appreciation of architecture, including the everyday built environments that shape our communities and everyday lives.

The thesis proposes a new approach to architecture exhibitions emphasizing authentic immersion and engagement. It introduces a unique 1:1 experience where visitors can understand and appreciate architecture as it is utilized in its original context. This approach addresses the limitations of traditional architecture exhibitions, which often fail to convey the physical experience of being in the space, the tactile qualities of the materials, the context of the building's surroundings, and the social and cultural significance of the architecture within its community.

To address this issue, the thesis presents six case studies of architectural projects that have had a significant social impact on their respective communities. These projects are showcased in an exhibition format, including 1:1 replicas, contextual understanding, live activities, interactive touchpoints, and educational workshops. The exhibition strategies aim to recreate the built environment and the living culture that surrounds and interacts with it.

The case studies include the Center for Women in Masai Village, The Garden Library for Refugees and Migrant Workers, The Green Embassy, Story Pod Library, Za'atari Classroom, and Tea, Chocolate, Coffee Pavilion. Each project is presented in a way that allows visitors to experience the architecture in the same way as the community using the original architecture, thereby providing a deeper understanding of the architecture's social context.

In conclusion, my thesis underscores the crucial role of embracing a different role of architecture in addressing the needs of people. It highlights how, far from elitist concerns, architecture can be a powerful catalyst for positive societal change. By embracing the cultural nuances and economic conditions of diverse communities, creating typologies that cater to their unique needs, empowering marginalized groups, bridging divides, and contributing to sustainability, architecture can truly make a difference in society.



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