Date of Award

Spring 6-3-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Patricia Johnson

Second Advisor

Harry Allen

Third Advisor

Jim Isermann


I am fascinated by connections. Things that click, snap, slide, and hold. I care about the ways in which objects meet, looking for answers in the space between. What binds one thing to another?

I believe the world is presented to us in pieces. It’s hard to say how it all comes together. It's easy to believe things are shapeless and detached from each other. Connection is a bridge, a way of linking one thing to another that reveals interdependence, and eventually moves outwards to express a correlation between pieces, once assumed to be discrete and isolated.

This work is interested in exploring the form of connection. What does connection look like, and how can the objects I produce move within and beyond the material world to convey things that may be abstract but are more intimate, including a tie to people and place?

Pulling from a history of art that bridges the space between pop and minimalism, I seek to find ways of expressing links to people and places that are inspired by a web of meaning on the West Coast and beyond.


View exhibition online: Spenser Atlas, A Part Apart



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