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Spectrum was a publication released in the early 1950s by the undergraduate students at Rhode Island School of Design. This issue from 1965 is formatted as a portfolio, with loose pages of student artwork, including photographs, drawings, paintings, woodcuts and art in other media. Likely published in May. Contributors include Martin E. Mull, Edward E. Grazda, Alex Grant, Bruce A. O'Hara, Pete E. Christman, Jerome H. Zimmerman, Daniel C. Wills, Lawrence A. Kahn, Michel M. Richard, Rosalie A. Hansen, Donald W. Pilcher, Moniz Rose, Joel D. Snyder, Alfred V. De Credico, Dennis J. McNaboe, Daniel A. Paul, Susan M. McSweeney, Donna C. Sutton, Adrienne S. Tolin, Elizabeth L. Moreton, Grant Boyd Sr., and Peter O'Keefe.
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Providence, Rhode Island
RISD, art school, art college, student publication, student magazine, Student Creative Work
Aesthetics | Architecture | Art and Design | Art Education | Creative Writing | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Music | Theatre and Performance Studies
Recommended Citation
Students of RISD and Archives, RISD, "Spectrum May 1965" (1965). All Student Newspapers. 516.
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Aesthetics Commons, Architecture Commons, Art and Design Commons, Art Education Commons, Creative Writing Commons, History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology Commons, Music Commons, Theatre and Performance Studies Commons