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Creation Date



Undergraduate student. Year of Graduation: 2016. Major: Textiles. Class: Image Bank. Faculty: Lisa Young.

Materials + Techniques

Photo paper, inkjet prints, waxed cotton string

Student Narrative

This is a series of books created to explore the ideas I have about my identity. I am a triplet, two girls and a boy. Sometimes I struggle to understand why people react the way that they do when being a triplet comes up in conversation. But it is special, I am special. My ability to be an individual and to always have two people inextricably connected to me is transformative. I feel like a stronger individual because of the bond I share with these two other people. My person is more developed because I've always developed with two others. These books explore this narrative of the group and he individual. They use the collection and the archive as art tools to develop this concept. These are explorations of me above all else. I am a triplet and that is quite strange. This series is not meant to be serious, it is light, it is questioning.
