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This depiction of Maat appears to be cast in three pieces: the altar, the figure, and the feather. Smooth, highly polished surfaces contrast with the concentrated detailing of the feather, wig, broad collar, and openwork altar. The goddess embodying truth, balance, and proper action, Maat pervaded all aspects of Egyptian culture. Traditionally represented as a woman with an ostrich feather headdress, Maat here sits in a characteristic pose. Similar bronze figures of Maat suggest that this piece is incomplete, and was most likely part of a group composition in which the goddess was juxtaposed with a larger figure of the ibis of the god Thoth. Maat, therefore, would have been viewed from the side or back. 664-525 BCE

Publication Date



RISD Museum


Providence, Rhode Island


Rhode Island School of Design Museum; Ancient Egyptian; goddess



Goddess Maat

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Sculpture Commons



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